Miscellaneous Assistance

Madison County HFH
PO Box 131 Anderson, US-IN 46015-0131 765-649-4260
www.local.habitat.org/madisoncounty Email: director@habitatmadison.org
HFH of Northeast Indiana
PO Box 620 Auburn, US-IN 46706-0620 260-925-2508 www.hfhnei.org
HFH Northwest Indiana
3777 Colfax Gary, US-IN 46408 219-923-7265 www.nwihabitat.org habitat@nwihabitat.org
Putnam County HFH
620 Tennessee St Ste 2, Greencastle US-IN 46135 765-653-5360 www.putnamhabit.com
HFH of Greater Indianapolis
3135 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, US-IN 46208 317-921-2121
www.indyhabitat.org Email: info@indyhabitat.org
HFH of the Kokomo Community
PO Box 158 Kokomo, US-IN 46903-0158 765-452-2185
www.habitatkokomo.com Email: hfhkokomo@gmail.com
HFH of Morgan County
39 W. Pike Street Martinsville, US-IN 46151 317-204-2800
www.morgancountyhabitat.org Email: info@morgancountyhabitat.org
Greater Muncie Indiana HFH
PO Box 119 Muncie, US-IN 47308-1119 765-286-5789
www.MuncieHabitat.org Email: info@munciehabitat.org
Raintree HFH of Henry County, IN
PO Box 6024 New Castle, US-IN 47362-6024 765-388-2160
www.raintreehfh.com Email: raintreehfh@yahoo.com
HFH Johnson County
401 Mooreland Drive, New Whiteland, US-IN 46184 317-530-9222
www.habitatjohnsoncounty.org Email: habitat@franklincollege.edu
HFH of Shelby County
PO Box 274 Shelbyville, US-IN 46176-0281 317-395-3640
www.shelbycountyhabitat.org Email: mwbeglin@comcast.net
HFH of Boone County
PO Box 5025 Zionsville, US-IN 46077 765-483-5134
www.boonehabitat.org Email: iqua@boonehabitat.org
Vehicle Maintenance AssistanceVehicle repair assistance
Click Here
Childcare AssistanceChild Care Assistance
All counties-
Visit in.gov and sign up for the CCDF program
Clothing AssistanceMarion County
Bridgeport Central Baptist Church 9039 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46231 317-247-8950
Brightwood Community Center 2410 North Station Street, Indianapolis, IN 46218 317-546-8200
Fletcher Place Community Center 1637 East Prospect Street, Indianapolis, IN 46205 317-636-3466
Greater True Gospel Tabernacle 2904 North Temple Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46218 317-925-0970
Divine Direction Christian Church 1733 East 46th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46205 317-440-6281
Hamilton County
Jackson Township Trustee 506 West Main Street, Arcadia, IN 46030
Hamilton County Kids Coats 621 South Rangeline Rd, Carmel, IN 46032 317-324-8818
Merciful H.E.L.P center 1045 W 146th Street Suite A, Carmel IN 46032 317-663-4039 www.mercifulhelpcenter.org
Boone County
The Giving Tree/Jamestown Christian Church 11 E Main Street, Jamestown, IN 46147 765-676-5415 www.jamestownchristinchurch.net/
Johnson County
Salvation Army Johnston County Corps 325 Market Plaza, Greenwood, IN 46142 317-881-2505
Saint Vincent De Paul Society of Greenwood 317-888-2861
Lords Locker 101 South Pleasant Street in Trafalgar 317-878-7708
Hendricks County
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship - 317-839-5151
Trustee Program -317-852-0899
Danville Salvation army - 317-637-5551
Hancock County
Brandywine Township - 317-462-2919
Green township - 317-326-4182
Sugar creek township - 317-861-6148
Jackson Township - 317-936-5112
Shelby County
Shelbyville Salvation Army 136 East Washington Street, Shelbyville, IN 46176 317-398-7421
Morgan County
Green township trustee - 765-342-3927
Baker Township Trustee -765-342-4722
Putnam County
Roachdale christian Church -765-522-1913
Bainbridge Christian Church - 765-522-3200
Madison County
Outfitters, inc. 1170 S. Pendleton Ave. Pendleton, IN 46064 765-617-9288
Deleware County
Family Service Program 765-288-9122 ext 337
Christian Love Help Center- Muncie
Randolph County
Community Help Center and Thrift Store 1035 N Columbia St. Union City, IN 47390 765-964-4475
Henry County
Christian Love center - 765-529-8935
Knightstown Intermediate School USed Clothing Boutique - 765-345-5455
Turning Point Life Center - 765-599-3000
Westminister Community Center - 765-529-5124
Howard county
Coordinated Assistance Ministries 210 North Market Street Kokomo, IN 46901 765-452-8963
Good Shepard Lutheran Church 121 Santa Fe Boulevard Kokomo, IN 46901 765-457-4968
Grace Memorial Church of God in Christ 1417 North Delphos Street Kokomo, IN 46901 765-457-2749
Pet Assistance
Marion County
Friends of Indianapolis Dogs Outside 1505 N. Sherman Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46201 317-221-1314 www.fidoindy.org
Hamilton County
Good Samaritan Network 12933 Parkside Drive, Fishers, in 46038 317-842-2603 EXT.200
Boone county
Boone County Sheriff's animal Control Division
IF you are in need, email animalcontrol@co.boone.in.us an provide:
Your name, address, phone#, how many and what animals you have, and if you feed a special food for medical purposes
Johnson County
Humane Society of Johnson County 3827 Graham Road, Franklin, IN 46131 317-535-6626 www.hsjc.org hsjc@hsjc.org
Hendricks County
Hendricks County Friends of the Shelter 250 East Campus Boulevard, Hendricks County Animal Shelter, Danville, IN 46122 317-410-9167
Hancock County
Paws Hancock www.pawshancock.org 317-318-9483
Shelby County
Visit www.dogingtonpost.com for resources
Morgan County
Morgan County Humane Society 690 W. Mitchell Ave., Martinsville, IN 46151 765-349-9177 www.mchumanesoc.org
Putnam County
Humane society of Putnam County 4700 SR-240 Greencastle, IN 46135 765-653-7174
Madison County
Ernie's Heart Pet Food Pantry 423 E 8th St. Anderson, IN 46102 765-425-5407
Delaware County
www.afamuncie.org/ 765-741-7858
Liberty tax Service, 4415 N. Broadway Ave., Muncie, IN 47303
Randolph County
Visit http://www.dogingtonpost.com
Henry County
Visit http://www.dogingtonpost.com
Howard County
Visit http://www.dogingtonpost.com